25 September 2010


getting emotion uncontrollably 
  every time recall back our memories
i cant control my tears to fill up my eyes in anytime and anywhere
i hav lost so many things when u gone
a family without dad
im sad
no one wil scold me when the time i wake up late
im sad
 giving up my 1st job which u are so happy that i being employed by the company 
im sad
look at the fruit trees that u plant in the whole farm 
im sad
seeing mum always viewing ur funeral photo 
im sad
too many things make me sad
the only reason is jz bcz u are gone n never come back to us again
when talking the matters about u
im look steady n strong 
nobody knows my heart is bleeding at the same time
nobody knows i did cry secretly
im sad
even chatting with mum
i just showing her a smile all the time 
i cant let mum see my bad emotion that will increase her sadness
i wanna her happy all the time without any doubt and trouble
i need to do it
i must do it
because im her child
Time can take away something unpleasant
we are trying to begin new life without u
we need time
when seeing my emotions out of control 
 just let me be
i need time
hope time can passes quickly
so that crying wont be my emotional release anymore



小吉 said...

加油~你前面的路还很长~我们永远在你的身旁~有什么事可以找我们谈~有时候哭是可以放松你的情绪~那就哭吧~但是流过泪之后要继续往前走~虽然我们都知道前面的路不容易但是不要放弃~by cary~miss u~gambateh ^^

❤ äňт ❤ said...

thank u so much ....!!! at least i hav a good geng of frenz like u ...❤
i wil take good care of myself...u too ya..